
Day One.

So...I drafted a 50 page Limited Partnership Agreement today and turned it in to my superiors in a timely fashion--big fucking deal right? Well, I made one mistake--used the wrong template. Boss is currently pondering whether I'm inbred or retarded while contemporaneously having phone sex with his wife and jerking off to videobox.com. He sent me the following email today when I left work for 20 minutes to pick up my dry cleaning, and since I am wearing a shirt that I purchased back when I was 17, I mistakenly believed the journey to my favorite Asian place of business as a necessary move:
"We are trying to close the XXXX deal and dry cleaning (along with any other activity outside of the office) needs to wait until after work."
Looks like I am headed for another 18 hour day ... of course, I'll bill the client for all my time spent on this matter so the firm is adequately compensated. Maybe, just maybe, I'll drop 350 hrs on accounting this month. I hate those cunts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

maybe if you didn't waste so much time blogging or using other various forms mutlimedia you would have to spend less time at work. Ass.

Archive of Indifference